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Showing posts from February, 2010

Chaos must be a City

There are cities.   And then there are Citi es .  The latter intrigue me. Calc utta, Benares , Delhi, Jaiselmer, Bombay .., not necessa rily in th at order, are more and more confirmingly becoming my most coveted to re-live, r e-visit... and many more i might not have been to! What seems t o me, common in all thes e place s is the ch ao s in which they have most joyfully survived. Travelling on trams or tongas, rickshaws and locals, ba re foot or pa ssats, the y a ll r ace and run ahea d before one shouts 'Sto p'. Alive per minute and lived wi th a fer vour inexplicable, live wires crossing the trees and the contrast it    manages within its expanse is a curiousity   which refuses to re treat. And amidst all this her exertion becomes his exhilaration. P eople' s lives, t heir o ccupation , the shrieks an d the sham of their bazaars, the colors of their seasonal clothes or a newly launched car, the luscious smell of the street f...